
Archive for October, 2020

Own Your Actions…

It is so easy to be an armchair quarterback, to pass judgement, criticism or assessment of others without know the full story. Because there is always three sides. Yours, theirs and what actually happened. We all view the world through filters — that’s called our experience. But there is always another side, a part you may not be aware of or are ignoring so you can feel better about your part in the story. Or so you can present yourself in a better light.

After the many birthday candles I’ve experienced on this earth, I shouldn’t still be surprised by the actions of others, and I guess I am not so much surprised, but very disappointed and disgusted by the actions of others. Their unwillingness and inability to look at themselves and their role in where their decisions, actions and behaviors have brought them. Which has inspired me to break my silence and say something. So I am say thing out loud into cyberspace. Own your Sh**!! You are responsible for who you are, what you do and how you are treated.

That Golden Rule (you somehow missed hearing as a child) “Treat others how you would like to be treated” is true. If you don’t do what you are supposed to do, if you don’t act with integrity, honesty and conscientiousness; guess what! You won’t get that back. If you don’t like your space, then change it. If you aren’t happy with yourself, then fix it! It’s on you, your responsibility. And until you figure that out and accept your role in where you are and how the world ‘treats’ you, then well you’ll always be stuck in that rut trying to figure out how to use the correct end of the shovel to climb out. Or rather you’ll probably never figure out that you can use the shovel for more than just digging yourself a deeper rut. Finally, what seems to still amaze me is that some of the most talented people I’ve come across can be the most ignorant about themselves and their role in getting themselves into the rut they are digging.

Thank you Brendan Burchard for capturing my thoughts (see quote in the included image) that broke open the flood gates for today’s post. And, finally, to all who read through the above completely to get to this last line. You are my inspiration for pushing on and improving myself. Thank you, now go be the most amazing person you can be! Enjoy your day!

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